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Baltimore County Family Law Attorney Blog

Baltimore & Towson Lawyer Discusses Child Protective Services

Written by Amar Weisman » May 13, 2015 »

Many people living in the DC area have heard a great deal about free-range parenting in recent months. The issue was brought to the forefront after a couple in Silver Spring, Maryland was investigated by Child Protective Services (CPS) for child neglect. Why? Apparently, the parents allow their children, who are 6 and 10 years old, to walk by themselves to the park, which is about a mile away.

Law enforcement officers picked up the two children as they were walking back home from the park. When the kids did not arrive home at the expected time, the parents feverishly searched for them. They were not notified of CPS's involvement until around 8 p.m. the same evening. The firm representing the parents has noted in a Washington Post article about the incident that they will "pursue all legal remedies to protect the rights of the Maryland parents whose two young children were taken into custody for more than five hours…"

What is Free-Range Parenting?

The style of parenting known as "free range" is essentially a belief held by some parents that kids will become more self-reliant by gradually testing limits and being permitted to "roam the world" without overbearing adults being nearby.

The parents in the above-mentioned scenario state that they have taught their kids how to cross streets, as well as where to walk and what to do if they run into trouble. Their argument in the lawsuit against CPS is that they should have the right to raise their children in the manner they see fit -- CPS should not be allowed to tell them how to parent. Many would agree with the parents, stating that it's a matter of judgment for parents raising children. But at what point does this style of parenting reach neglect status?

Family Law Issues: Dealing With CPS

Any number of situations can result in CPS involvement. Once the agency gets involved, they will view everything a parent does through a microscope. If you are involved in a custody battle, it is crucial that you are careful to make sound decisions that are in the best interest of your children. Make no mistake -- what may seem like a sound decision to you may not be to a CPS investigator.

That said, it is important for individuals who are dealing with family law-related issues to work with a knowledgeable Towson family law attorney who can best advise them with respect to how issues of custody may be dealt with based on their specific scenario and circumstances.

There are a couple things to keep in mind if you are involved in a custody proceeding or have some sort of custody arrangement already in place.  First, it is important for parents to be extremely aware with respect to the decisions to be made concerning the kids. That simply means you need to consider the potential consequences of your decisions.

Additionally, if you have any questions or concerns about potential decisions regarding your children, talk them over with your attorney, especially if you are under investigation by CPS.

Call (410) 321-4994 For a Free Consultation 

Call The Law Offices of Amar S. Weisman at (410) 321-4994 to schedule a Free ConsultationThe Purpose of the consultation is to determine whether you want to retain this law firm as your Baltimore County & Harford County Family Lawyer. If you do wish to proceed, then you must pay a retainer. See Our Policy on Fees and Costs. The family firm is located next to The Circuit Court for Baltimore County, at 1018 Dulaney Valley Road, Towson, MD 21204.