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Baltimore County Family Law Attorney Blog

Baltimore & Towson Lawyer DIscusses Maryland Law and Your Child Support Issues

Written by Amar Weisman » June 12, 2015 »

The end of a marital relationship may also bring about a number of other divorce-related issues, particularly if there are children involved. Just about any Towson family law attorney will tell you that one of the more difficult issues to resolve concerns child custody.

Dealing with custody issues can lead to emotionally-charged interactions between the parties, which makes such issues more challenging to settle. Generally, both parents wish to spend as much time with their kids as possible once the marriage ends, just as they did when the family was still one unit.

In an ideal situation, the parties will reach an amicable agreement quickly -- one that keeps the best interests of the children in mind while providing the parties with feasible and fair options. When this occurs, the process moves along much more smoothly; however, all too often, one (or both) parties do not agree to the terms of the custody order, and that disagreement often leads to modification requests or challenges in a court of law. 

If you are having trouble resolving your custody issues, or if you disagree with an order that has already been handed down, it is crucial for you to work with a knowledgeable attorney who can help ensure you understand the relevant laws and how they may be applied to your particular set of circumstances.

Maryland Law Reigns Supreme

One of the first things parents going through a divorce need to understand is that once a Maryland court makes a custody order, that court has the power and authority to enforce that order. That means that if a party fails to abide by the requirements of a custody order without having a valid reason, he or she can face various consequences from the judge.

For instance, if a parent interferes with court-ordered custody (or denies the other parent custody without a justifiable reason), he or she might be subject to an order modification that could require the offending parent to make-up time or perform some other requirement in order to ensure compliance in the future. The at-fault party might also face additional court costs and fees if the court sees fit to assess such costs.


When making custody determinations, the state courts are guided by state law. Depending on the situation, jurisdictional issues may arise.  An easy way to think of jurisdiction is to think of it as being an imaginary fence that separates custody cases into two different categories: subject matter and personal. In order for the court to even hear the case, it must have both types of jurisdiction.

For Maryland custody cases, the Circuit Court will hear the case. But parents need to make certain they understand that their cases can only be filed in Maryland if the following applies:

  • A parent can file if the child resides in Maryland, Maryland is the child’s home state and the parent filing has an adequate amount of contact with the state (meaning he or she pays state taxes, votes, resides, works, etc. in Maryland).
  • For a child who isn’t currently in the state, a parent can file if he or she continues to live in Maryland and Maryland was the child’s home state during the prior six months.
  • A filing may also be submitted if the child is in Maryland and in need of emergency protection or was abandoned.
  • A parent may also file if he/she and the child have substantial connections with Maryland and there are more witnesses and records in Maryland to assist the case with respect to the child’s current and future care, protection and personal relationships.

If you have questions about how Maryland’s child custody laws may be applied to your case, contact the Law Offices of Amar Weisman, LLC as soon as possible for more information.

Call (410) 321-4994 For a Free Consultation 

Call The Law Offices of Amar S. Weisman at (410) 321-4994 to schedule a Free ConsultationThe Purpose of the consultation is to determine whether you want to retain this law firm as your Baltimore County & Harford County Family Lawyer. If you do wish to proceed, then you must pay a retainer. See Our Policy on Fees and Costs. The family firm is located next to The Circuit Court for Baltimore County, at 1018 Dulaney Valley Road, Towson, MD 21204.